“Gratitude” is exciting, authentic, ambient electronic music that beautifully and passionately expresses all there is to be grateful for in life. Rich, multi-dimensional, and very well done! –
Dyan Garris
“Gratitude by The Haiku Project is another masterpiece of music to hang in the ever growing gallery of musical art for the artist. Hytteballe is a man who clearly knows his genre well, and relishes creating each and every brushstroke of tone for the listener to enjoy and get the most out of, and as I end this review I now finish by hanging a tag on the release, one that says, this is an absolute must buy at all costs, contemporary instrumental music really doesn’t come any better than this.”
Steve Sheppard
“Ambient joyful rocking The Haiku Project
Henrik Hytteballe creates an album that, while classified in the “New Age” genre, gives us (our ears and our hearts) far more than that… it is ambient joyful rocking distinct and different from anything you’ve ever listened to before…”
Rotcod Zzaj, Contemporary Fusion Review
The Haiku Project
“An impressionistic look at what goes one between being and not being, Henrik Hytteballe turns his new age ear toward off the beaten path matters like a cow coming in to being and turtles needed to be saved. With a religious undertone running through his compositions,, you can feel the sacred view he has for living things. Not egghead stuff at all, this is solid listening material that take s you to that peaceful viewing stand where you want to observe it all.”
Chris Spector Midwest Record
“Life” propone un recorrido sensible con temas inspirados en detalles que atraviesan la Vida desde un extremo hasta el otro, contados con sutileza, pasión y una gran profundidad artística. Con un sonido destacado del piano, la combinación en los arreglos de instrumentos con sonidos buscados, la voz humana, climas y ambientes sonoros creados en base a sintetizadores, Henrik Hytteballe a través de su “The haiku Project”, plasma en “Life” su constante evolución en la búsqueda de un lenguaje propio, minimalista, sensible y honesto.
©Pablo Rego
The Haiku Project has just released a new album, Life. Little Calf begins things, taking listeners on a journey that gradually shifts and changes. The Haiku Project is able to paint a vivid picture that showcases not only the titular creature but the rolling green space in which the animal can be found. Ending before the five-minute mark, Little Calf moves fans into A Turtle Song. A Turtle Song brings a little bit of wind-swepth 1960s country and western and 1970s desert rock guitar into the mix. The narrative element of this guitar work is paired nicely with a haunting backdrop. One of the things that has been most constant about The Haiku Project over the years has to be the narrative that is weaved throughout each single and album.
Au Revoir les Enfants is deep enough that listeners will need to strap on their favorite pair of headphones to properly understand the dynamics that have been placed within. Our favorite moment on this track begins at about the 2:15 mark, where strings are utilized to provide a completely different feel to the composition.
The Bright Side of the Moon is a mid-album stand out effort due in no small fashion to the presence of Canberk Ulas’ duduk playing.
Great Barrier Reef is one of the album’s longest tracks at 11-plus minutes. Over the course of this effort’s run time, fans will be treated to traditional guitar work, choral elements, impactful backing instrumentation and a snap back to the beginning (10:50-onward).
Abandoned and Vagabond Forever conclude The Haiku Project’s Life, telling a story over the 10 minute combined run time that provides an emphatic end for the release.
Top Tracks: The Bright Side of the Moon, Au Revoir les Enfants
Rating: 8.4/10
James McQuiston
The Haiku Project with Sara Grabow.
“A different flight of fancy from what you might expect from healing music, the synth and voice are there, expertly intertwined, but the special sauce ladled out freely makes all the difference since this is coming from a personal place from both main participants. If the typical suburban mom doesn’t have this in the car after yoga class, then she’s just doomed to be a hopeless multitasker accomplishing nothing on her way to no where.”
Chris Spector, Midwest Record
“With Sara’s vocals as a counterweight to Henik’s stark synth soundscapes, some tracks are quite startling, contrasting her New Age vocals with Henrik’s electronic neoclassical / soundtrack influence. With its impressionistic mix of 21st century electronica and postmodern, European romanticism, Nebula presents a fascinating cross-section of sounds.”
Robert Silverstein,
Worldly and other worldly. Piano, ambient soundscapes and orchestrations.
Buy here: iTunes, Amazon
“Glimpses is a great way to spend an hour or so allowing the music to take away a little bit of the edge that you come home with after a stressful day at work. It was apparent that Henrik aka The Haiku Project is a talented individual and was able to pour his feelings and emotions into these 12 songs that he has released on this album. The sound quality throughout is impeccable and the production standards are as usual for Real Music releases top notch.”
Michael Foster,
“Glimpses is one of those quality albums that will bring you instant peace and contentment. Henrik Hytteballe is in a class of his own and has created via The Haiku Project, one of the most stunningly beautiful albums that you will have heard for a long time. He has manifested a release that is deeply meaningful and so musically blissful, that you will never want the experience to end”
Steve Sheppard One World Music Radio /
Ein Album über Empathie, Liebe und Ehrlichkeit
Es fällt nicht leicht, auf Glimpses markante Highlights auszumachen, jeder der 12 Songs hat umwerfenden Charme und blickt man auf das gestellte Gesamtkonzept von Henrik Hytteballe, dann stellt Glimpses mit seinen Songs ein emotionales Hörvergnügen. Es macht vieles richtig und kann verzaubern.
Rock music with ambient soundscapes and electronic beats. Lyrics in Danish.
Buy here iTunes / Pladekisten
Hytteballe står selv for det meste af musikken, men får dog hjælp på trommer af Bijan Farsijani på fire af sangene. Og musikken er iørefaldende, melodiøs electronica, der forsigtigt læner sig op ad og lader sig befrugte af postpunkrock og moderne folk. Som teksterne er musikstykkerne især stemningsstykker, der kræver en lytter, der vil give sig tid til at lytte med. Vi befinder os ikke i de kommercielle popradioers segment.
Capac 5 stjerner.
ambient and melodic rock. Music inspired by various light and nature
Buy here: iTunes / Pladekisten
“This Cd took me to Scotland, Greenland and Armenia. I got to see the Northern Lights and even a peek into Henrik´s garden. I was able to look into the sun with my ears and hear the morning come to life. What an exiting yet totally relaxing listening experience. I only wish some way to rate this album higher than just 5 stars.” / Edward
“This is a terrific album with no bad tracks.” Rick Johnson
rock concept album. Fantasy into music.
Buy here iTunes / Pladekisten
Her tror man, at man skal lægge øre til et gængs rockalbum. Og så serverer danske Haiku en overraskende perlerække af storslåede, afdæmpede rockkompositioner på sit nye album »Mondo«. Albummets 11 numre er et langt eventyr. Dramatik og poesi er der masser af på albummet, og historien og teksterne er skrevet af Sokomo, der også selv lægger stemme til de fleste numre. Og den gør forskellen. Som en blanding af Leonard Cohen og Neil Diamond fascinerer han lytteren med sin dybe, sprøde stemme. Et absolut lækkert album, som man kun kan falde i svime over. /
Charlotte Eilsø, Jyske Vestkysten. *****
by The Haiku Project
A mystical blending of heavenly symphonic washes, ambient tones and articulate piano.
Buy here iTunes / Amazon / Pladekisten
“Flow is both worldly and otherworldly, meditative, and above all, deeply relaxing. Its symphonic sounds are wonderfully subtle; while acoustic instrumentation rounds it out with warmth and depth. Flow flows from song to song, staying true to song titles such as “Vision,” “Floating,” “Eternity,” and “Atlantis.” It sets a stage for your imagination to take flight and play, discover and dream.” / Chris Spector, Midwest Record