How Music Helps with Mental Health

Science Says Piano Players’ Brains Are Very Different From Everybody Else’s

Science Says Piano Players’ Brains Are Very Different From Everybody Else’s

by Daniel Owen van Dommelen The piano is a beautiful instrument. Its players often come across as mysterious; these people who have spent hundreds of hours practicing scales and repeating phrases over and over again to reach sheer aural perfection. To an audience member it can have a similar effect to watching a magic trick or a ballet: it is so skilled and beautiful it almost […]

Henrik Hytteballe

August 1st, 2017

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Mindfulness and meditation calm down inflammation genes

Mindfulness and meditation calm down inflammation genes

Meditation and tai chi don’t just calm the mind – they seem to affect our DNA too. There’s evidence that such “mind-body practices” dampen the activity of genes associated with inflammation – essentially reversing molecular damage caused by stress. Mind-body practices such as mindfulness meditation are widely claimed to protect against stress-related diseases from arthritis to dementia. But although there’s plenty of evidence that they […]

Henrik Hytteballe

June 26th, 2017

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Music can help the healing proces

Music can help the healing proces

Source: Shutterstock Several times a year, George Mixis wanders the hallways of the Phoenix-based Barrow Neurological Institute strumming tunes on his guitar. He walks past the unit’s 35 patient rooms at the Dignity Health facility, where he is employed as a maintenance worker, seeing which ones have open doors and inviting ears. Mixis is careful not to push his music on anyone, but he’ll perform an intimate, impromptu […]

Henrik Hytteballe

May 29th, 2017

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GLIMPSES – reviews

GLIMPSES – reviews

Reviewed by Michael Foster, editor Ambient Visions Glimpses is the second album to be released on the Real Music label from The Haiku Project who is actually Danish musician Henrik Hytteballe. Glimpses is a 12 song 70-minute peaceful journey that offers up a varied sound palette that is both relaxing and still able to hold the listener’s attention as it weaves a most thoughtful sonic […]

Poul Bjorn

January 14th, 2016

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GLIMPSES  – New Release by The Haiku Project

GLIMPSES – New Release by The Haiku Project

Sausalito, CA, January 22, 2016: Real Music® proudly announces the release of Glimpses, the sophomore album for the label by Danish recording artist The Haiku Project (Henrik Hytteballe). Described as “worldly and other worldly,” “a combination of music and art that meld together to produce eloquently gorgeous atmospheres and lush soundscapes,” The Haiku Project’s music reflects Hytteballe’s connection to the simple and beautiful art form […]

Poul Bjorn

January 14th, 2016

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flow – reviews

flow – reviews

Michael Foster AmbientVisions Haiku is the nom de guerre of Danish artist and composer Henrik Hytteballe who chose the name because he was attracted to the simplicity of Japanese haiku poetry. Flow was originally released in 2009 in Denmark, but as is so often the case, a release never hits the radar due to limited promotion and lack of global distribution. Thanks to Real Music and this […]

Henrik Hytteballe

December 10th, 2015

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New Center for Music in the Brain

New Center for Music in the Brain

Hjerneforsker og musiker, Peter Vuust leder det nye Center for Music in the Brain. Hvad sker der i hjernen, når vi lytter til musik? Når vi spiller musik? Og hvorfor? Hvordan kan vi gøre brug af den viden, når vi vil fremme sundhed, præstationer, indlæring og trivsel via musik? Det skal Center for Music in the Brain forske i. I juni åbnede Center for Music in […]

Henrik Hytteballe

September 13th, 2015

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Electronic Singles

Electronic Singles


Henrik Hytteballe

April 20th, 2015

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New album with The Haiku Project

New album with The Haiku Project

Sara Grabow – talented female singer is singing on the new album from The Haiku Project. Her beautiful voice adds a new dimension to the music. She released her own singer-songwriter album Enerum early in 2017:  Enerum is a wonderful album with fine lyrics and good tunes. It is amazing how much just a guitar and a good voice can express. And it has been […]

Henrik Hytteballe

March 15th, 2015

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Review: Capac

Review: Capac

Capac anbefaler: haiku – Vagabond 7. marts 2014 Vagabond kalder haiku sit nye og fjerde album. Og det omstrejdende og rejsende er et grundlæggende tema på haikus – alias Henrik Hytteballes – plade. Temaet anslås helt ud på coverfotoets trævej, der fører gennem en rødlig flora ud mod en uvis horisont. Men tematikken stikker dybere end til blot den kendte vagabondmetafor. Der er snarere tale […]

Poul Bjorn

March 11th, 2014

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