haiku and Joel Alexander

haiku and Joel Alexander

On the coming haiku album Freedom, I work with 3 different singers. Joel Alexander from the British band EckoTrigger is one of them. He writes lyrics and sings on 3 songs. First single “Black Sun” just came out and November 15th is the release of the next single ...

Henrik Hytteballe

November 9th, 2022

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Review: Capac

Review: Capac

Capac anbefaler: haiku – Vagabond 7. marts 2014 Vagabond kalder haiku sit nye og fjerde album. Og det omstrejdende og rejsende er et grundlæggende tema på haikus – alias Henrik Hytteballes – plade. Temaet anslås helt ud på coverfotoets trævej, der fører gennem en rødlig ...

Poul Bjorn

March 11th, 2014

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mondo – a rock concept album

mondo – a rock concept album

Through 11 songs haiku tells about the hidden continent of Mañana and Prince Mondo. The story is a comment on some of the conflicts, we see in our world, and about the choices we have to make in life. Just by looking at the cover you get an impression of the dramatic and ...

Poul Bjorn

January 3rd, 2014

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