Music can help the healing proces
Source: Shutterstock Several times a year, George Mixis wanders the hallways of the Phoenix-based Barrow Neurological Institute strumming tunes on his guitar. He walks past the unit’s 35 patient rooms at the Dignity Health facility, where he is employed ...
Henrik Hytteballe
May 29th, 2017
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New Center for Music in the Brain
Hjerneforsker og musiker, Peter Vuust leder det nye Center for Music in the Brain. Hvad sker der i hjernen, når vi lytter til musik? Når vi spiller musik? Og hvorfor? Hvordan kan vi gøre brug af den viden, når vi vil fremme sundhed, præstationer, indlæring og trivsel ...
Henrik Hytteballe
September 13th, 2015
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New album with The Haiku Project
Sara Grabow – talented female singer is singing on the new album from The Haiku Project. Her beautiful voice adds a new dimension to the music. She released her own singer-songwriter album Enerum early in 2017: http://www.enerum.dk Enerum is a wonderful album with ...
Henrik Hytteballe
March 15th, 2015
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Musik er hjernegymnastik og kan både hjælpe ved indlæring og inklusion.
Folkeskolen.dk – fagblad for undervisere bragte I juni 2012 en artikel om en workshop om musikfagets mulige samspil med skolens andre fag var en del af programmet på den musikfaglige konference. Hjerneforsker Kjeld Fredens, der især har beskæftiget sig med indlæring set fra ...
Poul Bjorn
March 3rd, 2014
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haiku – electronic rock and ambient music
haiku has released 4 albums First album haiku is progressive rock and ambient music melting together. It is about finding inner resources to use after a big change in life; how to carry on in life. Second album mondo is a rock concept album in British rock style telling the ...
February 3rd, 2014
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About MoviestarPlanet Hack
MSP or just MovieStarPlanet is world and a modern video game created for children between age 8 and 15. The concept of the game is to enable children to feel movie stars’ life while interacting with their peers and friends over the web. We are aware that the web and ...
Poul Bjorn
January 12th, 2014
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How to get Robux
ROBLOX ROBUX Hack Roblox is an MMO network game designed with the Notion of Gamers of 8-18 Years Old. The title has been released on personal computers in addition to mobile devices. Roblox was/is available for at no cost. Within this creation, everything specializes in ...
Poul Bjorn
January 12th, 2014
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